Monday, July 10, 2023

 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

 In an effort to lose weight and get my blood sugar back to normal levels, I have resumed walking again, almost every day. Fortunately, I have a great neighborhood to walk. One thing I notice as I walk by lawn after lawn, some lawns are well manicured, and while others are overgrown and riddled with weeds. The other day, I took special note of some beautiful flowers in one person’s yard and quickly realized, those were weeds. I thought to myself, even the weeds can be beautiful.

 Looking back, I can recall many times in my life when I went through some difficult moments, made some very bad decisions and experienced heart ache and financial loss. But on the other side of those occasions, I can tell you that God had a purpose through those unwelcomed experiences and they have made my faith in Jesus Christ even stronger. Just like those unwanted weeds in your yard that produce beautiful flowers, you can trust that God has a plan for each difficult encounter. Although you want to put out the fires of adversity, take time to trust what God is doing with the uncomfortable experiences and know that He has your best interest at heart.

 God loves you! The more you love Him, the more He will grow you through good times and bad. But He will never allow you to go through anything greater than His strength He so graciously provides. Trust Him today and every day, those weeds in your life will someday produce beautiful blessings! God bless!


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