Sunday, July 2, 2023

 Colossians 3:5 Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry.

When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, everything earthly should be considered dead to you. Those things you once trusted can no longer be your crutch or support system. When you continue to trust in earthly things (and people) you create idols that consume your energy and turn your focus away from God. This doesn't please Him and your blessings will be held back until you turn back to him. 

Example of this: God gives you a child to raise. When you try to carry the weight of every responsibility in rearing him/her and not entrust God, you put the child first and God second. A perfect example of a father who put God first was Abraham. Finally at age 100 God blessed him with a son, Isaac. We read in Genesis 22 that Abraham was faithful to God, to the point of potentially sacrificing his son in strict obedience to God. At the fruition of his obedience, God provided the sacrifice and both Abraham and Issac were blessed. 

What's standing in the way of your complete obedience to God. Be ready to sacrifice it to show your loyalty to the One who promises to always take care of you, even at the most dire moments in life. Let God have the glory by putting to death those things that hinder your worship to the Lord God. 

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