Thursday, October 5, 2023

 And it came to pass, when Abraham’s servant heard their words, that he worshiped the Lord, bowing himself to the earth. Genesis 24:52

 Don’t you love it when a plan comes together perfectly? Examples are a wedding ceremony, a job interview, completing a planned-out vacation or simply putting together a project. Much time is spent planning and preparing for the task at hand and when everything works out perfectly you reap the fruits of your labor and life is good.

 Well, that is exactly how it was for Abraham’s oldest servant. Abraham wanted his son, Isaac, to have a wife, so he ordered his servant to go to a specific land and find that special woman (Genesis 24:1-52). To the servant’s surprise, he met a woman named Rebeka, and followed through with His master’s plan. After meeting her family and discussing Abraham’s request, the family was very willing to let her go to marry Isaac. At that moment, the servant was probably thinking…whew, I never thought this would come to fruition.  

 But he said to me, “The Lord, before whom I walk, will send His angel with you and prosper your way and you shall take a wife for my son from my family and from my father’s house. Genesis 24:40

 Do you make God a part of your planning process when faced with a task? The servant questioned Abraham about if the woman was unwilling to go with them and he said an angel will go with you to prosper your way. I’m quite sure Abraham spent much time praying to the Lord, asking for the servant to find the right woman for his son Isaac. As we read through the scriptures, the servant did just that and gave glory to God for answering his request.

 Two points in this lengthy blog. Give God your tasks, no matter what they are and have confidence that He will provide the best outcome. Once completed, be sure to give God the praise and honor He deserves for His faithfulness to you. Whatever your plans, you can be assured His angels are making a way to prosper you. God bless!


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