Thursday, October 26, 2023

 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

One of my favorite brand potato chips is Pringles. I love their shape (when not crushed), their saltiness, and as the label on the can says: "Bursting with Flavor". They are delicious and I've been known to eat an entire can in one sitting. 

As humans we are always seeking things that add a burst of flavor to our life, such as a new car, new job, new relationship, a shopping experience on Amazon….the list is endless. But pretty soon all those new things seem to wear out, dissolve, and oftentimes burst our bank account, leaving us to question what happened to the good feeling we once had. Can you relate? 

Today's passage in Matthew is a good reminder that when we seek after the Lord, He provides for our needs. Many times these come in the form of blessings, those unexpected things, people, and circumstances that yield a lasting high, a spiritual high that prompts you to humbly say, "Thank you God for your goodness". 

God wants to enrich and bless your life. His purpose for you is to align your desires with His, so He can provide the necessities and blessings beyond your hopes and dreams. Seek His will each day and pretty soon you'll see Him drop packages of blessings in your life at the simple cost of your obedience to Him. God bless.  

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