Monday, February 17, 2020

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  Romans 8:26

My wife and I were blessed to take a trip to the Smokey Mountains and Gatlinburg over the Valentines Day weekend. The weather there had been rainy and they had experienced a lot of flooding with roads closed. With that said, I relied a lot on my phone’s gps to help me navigate there safely.

Before I left I checked road conditions over the mountain and the report gave an all clear. As we got closer though, my gps kept telling me to go around the mountain. As much as I wanted to ride through the Smokies, I eventually took the gps advice and went around the mountain. Not sure why it was steering me in another direction, but by the end of the day, we arrived safely in Gatlinburg.  

Today’s verse is a good reminder that we can count on God to guide us through each day. Oftentimes we are blinded to the hazards of the day. We think we know what’s ahead, but God sees beyond our view and knows when to steer us around the danger that can cause us to have a spiritual wreck. Oftentimes we might even question His voice of direction, but trust me friend, He knows best and has the best route planned for you.

Trust the Holy Spirit (God’s gps for your life) to guide you daily. It  might not make sense now, but His guidance is the best on the market and it will get you through the day safely! God bless!

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