Saturday, February 1, 2020

Don not be deceived; Evil company corrupts good habits. 1 Corinthians 15:33

I recall as a child growing up this old phone that hung on the wall in my Great Uncle’s house. It was one first used when phones had just come out. There were no numbers to push, only a handle that you’d turn, summoning an operator, and you’d tell her who you wanted to connect with and she’d make the connection.

This morning God spoke to me about connection. You see, when we communicate with someone, we are connecting with them. Through the conversation, we attempt to see each other’s point and come to an understanding. At that point a connection is made and the conversation can lead you to follow the person’s purpose in communicating with you, whether good or bad.

Today’s passage provides great advice. Be careful who you communicate with in life. Although you might have good intentions, the other person could easily sway your beliefs or deceive you. Trust me, I’ve lived long enough to realize that not everyone has good intentions, even the best people. You’ve got to watch out for yourself in your conversations with other people.

The next time you strike up a conversation with someone, ask God to guide and protect you from someone’s wrong intentions or beliefs so you wont be easily swayed in the wrong direction. God bless!

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