Thursday, January 30, 2020

What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9


There is a sign that hangs in my office that reads, “IT IS WHAT IT IS”. In the working world, things happen that are outside of our control. We want certain things to work a certain way, but sometimes it just doesn’t work out the way we want. The only thing we can do is accept it and work thru it the best we can and not get hung up over what’s already happened, no matter how bad it is. Lord Jesus Christ I sure needed to hear that!


No doubt, we can’t control the behavior of others. Sometimes people do things that are outside our way of thinking, we can’t understand how people act the way they do. Sadly, the behavior of some have a direct impact on our life. This can leave you hurt, angry as Hell, frustrated and pained like no other. A famous quote by Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation…”its all part of the experience.” Well, same is true with life.


So besides wanting to knock some sense into someone, how do we accept it and move thru it? Only by the grace of God, asking for prayer and seeking HIS wisdom, can we get thru what pains us without doing something that might otherwise end you up in the nut house or jail. LOL.


Maybe you are heavy burdened by the negative actions of someone close to you. STOP thinking about the situation and begin to pray for them. Pray that God will help you work through whatever the situation is and provide strength to keep the loving spirit of Christ reflected outward from yourself. Angry words and revengeful actions only fuel the fire. Keep your wits about yourself by drawing upon the power of the Holy Spirit who resides in you! It is what it is, nothing you do can change things, but your response can be the knife that will cut thru the muck and get on the other side of chaos! God bless!

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