Tuesday, January 28, 2020

So when they were filled, He said to His disciples, “Gather  the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.” John 6:12

In the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand, John 6:1-14, a group of people numbering five thousand had followed Jesus. Out in the middle of nowhere, these people needed to eat and all that was found was five barley loaves and 2 small fish. Jesus took this food, blessed it and passed it out to everyone. We read in the story that 12 baskets of bread were remaining. Just one more miracle of Jesus.

How can this story relate to your life? As Christians we have access to the power of God through the Holy Spirit. When we face a need, all you have to do is come before your Father and ask for His help. You might not have much to offer Him with regard to your personal resources, but He can turn what you’ve got into something totally amazing if you simply trust Him.  

There is another message in this story. The five loaves of bread and two fish came from a young boy. Back in the day you had to work at obtaining your food. There wasn’t no running down to Kroger. So this young boy had to willingly give up all he had for Jesus to do something better with it.

When you ask God for His help, you must be willing to release what ever resources you have to allow God the opportunity to benefit you and possibly others. The realization that everything you have has come by the way of God’s blessings, will help you freely give it over to God. Your financial resources, your time, your possessions….all of these things should never be held back from God if you expect Him to work a miracle in your life!

God can and will take what little you have and do something great with it. When you seek His help, be ready to offer up whatever He asks and trust that He will bring forth something amazing by His unlimited power to multiply your resources! God bless!

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