Monday, January 20, 2020

And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. Matthew 14:28-29

Over the past month we’ve received a lot of rain, almost daily. The other night my wife and I were coming back home, from seeing The Crabb family in concert, and it was pouring rain, very dark and a lot of traffic on the road. I could barely see the road as it was so dark, but those little reflectors that lined the individual traffic lanes helped guide me. Through all of that experience, the following came to me.

As we go through our spiritual journey, we will encounter storms. Here’s a few tips to keep us on the road of life.

Storms can reduce your visibility to see God. Chaos around will bring so much worry and stress that you oftentimes don’t look for God in the middle of your storm. But, He is there, ready to guide you, just like those little reflectors guided me. But the only way I could see them was by my light shining on them. Your faith in God and prayers are like your car’s headlights. Communication with God and trusting Him shows you are searching Him out to guide you. And He will respond by giving you direction through the storm, no matter how dark it might be. Trust Him as He guides you.

Another important aspect of navigating a storm is keeping your vision clear. God may have brought a storm your way to get you back on track with Him. When you have sin in your life, you blur your view of God. Just like your windshield, unless you clear off the rain, your view will be obscured. God’s forgiveness helps to clear your view moving forward. So clear off any unnecessary things and sin in your life so you can see clearly.

One of the last things that helped me get home safely while driving through that storm was me obeying the traffic laws of driving safely. I followed the speed limit by slowing down to a safe speed to control my vehicle on very wet pavement. When storms approach your life, you need to slow down and follow God in obedience. Trust me, He doesn’t want you to crash and burn. He wants to see you through the storm safely, and HE will navigate you through it. Follow Him in complete trust. Just like Peter did, in today’s verse, by stepping out in faith and walking on the water. It was only when he took his eyes off Jesus that he ran into trouble.

Keep your view clear so you can focus on Him, let your faith shine brightly so you can see His reflectors of wisdom guiding you on the path and finally slow down and follow Him in complete obedience when He directs your every step. You will go through it safely when you keep your focus on Him.

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