Saturday, January 25, 2020

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:12-13

Ever encounter a problem or situation and you ask God to change something to bring about a better outcome for you? Yea, my hand is raised. We get into a situation that is painful and we want God to change the circumstances so we’ll feel less pained, and believe life will be much better. Maybe for you it’s a financial situation, a relationship with a family member or friend, something at your place of employment. It can be a number of things that are going wrong and you simply want God to change it.

So, this morning as I was doing some reading and bible study, God brought this thought to mind. Instead of asking Him to change My situation, why don’t I embrace what is going on and accept that its part of His plan to grow me in my faith. When we accept the situation is God’s plan, we can turn our focus from the troubles and look to God for guidance as we navigate the situation He has allowed to come before us.

Our prayer should be “Father God, help me to work through your plans that I’m facing and give me the wisdom and strength to carry on. I know your plans are for my own good, as painful as they might be, You have my best interest in mind and I will accept this cup you have given me.” When you pray such a prayer to God, He will give you the strength and encouragement to carry on and test your faith to mold and shape you to be more Christlike, day by day.

Accept your situation, believe that its part of God’s plan to prosper you and have faith in your Heavenly Father that He will see you through your situation and bless you along the way! God bless!

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