Saturday, February 8, 2020

Man seeks the ruler’s favor, But justice for man comes from the Lord. Proverbs 29:26

We live in a world today where almost anything is accepted. The way in which one choses to live, their dress attire, even whom they partner with in life. As people make poor choices, loved ones around them remain silent, afraid that they might “offend” them by bringing up the fact their life is outside the standards outlined in the bible. Unfortunately, silence seems to be a form of approval.

The truth is we will all stand before the Lord to give an account for how we’ve lived our life. On that day some will have a difficult time understanding their wrongs when everyone around them gave approval through silence. Truth!

Lets take it up a notch.  As Christians, are we held accountable when we’ve remained silent (I’m talking about myself here as well) when we know someone is living life unworthy of God’s standards? I believe so. We know truth, so why not share it with those we love? The truth is they are headed for a lifetime of eternal punishment. We’ve got to stand up for what’s right by speaking out.

Silence is not the way to help others. God will have the final judgement, not man. Share the biblical truth to a world lost in the dark. Its our mission as God’s children!  

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