Sunday, June 6, 2021

 He who trust in his own heart is a fool, But whoever walks wisely will be delivered. Proverbs 28:26


Growing up in Illinois, the majority of the roads run either East and West or North and South. In most cases, if you see somewhere you want to go, just follow the straight roads in that direction and you’ll get there. When I moved to the South in 1992, I learned pretty quickly that roads in our town don’t always run in a similar pattern. One day I was traveling in my town and knew the area I wanted to arrive at, so I headed down a street in that  direction and was feeling good about the drive. But, not too long into the drive the road started to curve in a different direction and pretty soon I found myself in a not so welcome part of the city. Thankfully today I have GPS so I can rely on it for my travels.


I want you to listen closely to what I’m about to share, because I speak from experience on this matter. Satan will do anything to get you off track. As you know, when you start living for the Lord, Satan is always on the attack. I always know when I’m working hard to serve the Lord, because Satan is pulling out all the stops to make life difficult.


One thing I’ve learned in life is that when I’m headed in a certain direction that doesn’t quite fall in line with God’s will, Satan will often deceive me into thinking I’m going in the right direction. Its almost like Satan is encouraging me and things seem and feel right. But after a while, the ugliness of my poor decisions come to light and I realize the deception and “good feelings” were a smoke screen to God’s truth.


The best advice I can share is rely on God’s word for life’s travels. God never changes and neither does His word. He will NEVER encourage you to do something against His will. Thankfully He never leaves your side, He is always right there, waiting for you to acknowledge Him and seek after His righteous wisdom. Keep every day covered in prayer, seek after Godly wisdom in the bible and never trust your heart, but trust in the truth of God. The truth will set you free! God bless!

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