Friday, June 18, 2021

 You rule the raging of the sea;

When its waves rise, You still them.

Psalm 89:9


If you’ve ever been in the ocean, you know its waves can grow in size, especially on a windy day as a storm approaches. It can be somewhat deceptive at times because the waves seem to pause in intensity, then out of nowhere, big swells come, and if you aren’t careful they can sweep you off your feet and pull you under. No doubt, when you are in the ocean, you are at its mercy.


Life can seem like our experience in the ocean. Things seem to be going well, then out of no where something catches you off guard and you are at its mercy. In my younger years I would often try to ride the waves of adversity by my own efforts, only to find myself struggling to stay afloat. I learned over the years, that when those big waves of trouble approaches, to bend my knees in prayer and ask God for His almighty help. And believe me, He loves it when I seek after Him in those desperate times of need. He knows the best way through the difficulty, and He will manage the storm when I give him my faith to trust in His will. He will do the same for you friend, if you simply look to Him in time of need.  


When the next storms approaches, give it to God and He will quiet the waves and help you thru the difficulty. God bless!

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