Sunday, June 13, 2021

 Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God, I will praise His word; In God, I have put my trust; I will not fear; What can flesh do to me? Psalm 56:3-4


Looking back over my life, I can easily recall times when I’ve faced difficult circumstances that literally paralyzed my entire being. My total focus was on the thing that troubled me. No one’s words of wisdom or encouragement eased the pressure, I was totally consumed and in fear.


I can tell you that out of those times, I survived. I’m sitting here, fully alive and well. Why? Because in my times of trouble I called upon the Lord to help me navigate the maze I found myself in at that time. And truth be told, He even showered me with His awesome blessings as a sure reminder, He has my back.


Fear comes in many ways: fear of the unknown, fear of cancer, fear of being alone, fear of what others are thinking or saying about us, fear of going into a meeting that we know won’t be pleasant. The list is endless, but the one solution is evident, God is your shield and helper when facing your fears.


What fear has paralyzed your heart? Bring it to God, by kneeling in prayer and asking for His help. Ask Him to sustain you and always, always always, keep your focus on HIM and not the thing you fear. God is bigger than anything you’ll ever face in life and He will see you through til the every end. Fear is a liar! Trust is God for His truth and he will set you free! God bless!   

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