Tuesday, August 3, 2021

 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9


The other day at work, I had the unfortunate task of scooping up goose poop on a public beach. I had a rake and a long-handled container I could scoop it into. One thing I noticed, the poop that had been there for days, stained the sand and spread out like a mud puddle. It was a nasty sight, but thankfully I got it cleaned up for others to enjoy.


If you think about it, sin is like that goose poop on the sand. Left unchecked, it stains your mind and heart. Before too long it’s an ugly, stinky mess and its continued presence will bring more sin into your life.


As a Christian, your sins are forgiven. But that doesn’t excuse you from acknowledging those sins and putting forth the effort to halt mind-sets and behaviors that encouraged the act of that sin. Seeking forgiveness cleans up your mind and heart, relieving you of the guilt and shame you feel.


Seeking forgiveness is necessary for you to live a life unhindered by your past. Clean up your life today by asking God to forgive you for the sins of yesterday and seek after Him as you walk the narrow pathway through life. God bless!    


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