Monday, August 2, 2021

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 1 Cor 5:17


Repurposed, it’s taking something and using it for something other than its intended use. Lol, no joke, my town has repurposed many buildings. A famous food buffet restaurant is now a funeral home, a drive-in restaurant is now a car wash and another food establishment is a title pawn shop.


As Christians we are repurposed. Up until we received Christ, we were living our life as we intended, locked in a certain mind-set with behaviors that were not pleasing to the Lord. Others may even know you as a wild partier or living on the edge.


But once Christ came into your life, He came to change everything about the way you talk, think and act. He wants to make you a better person and one that models after His character. But the only way change will occur is if you are willing to allow those changes. It takes time and oftentimes can feel painful as He slowly removes the old, sin-stained patterns. But with time and your obedience, He will make something amazingly NEW in your life.


 As a Christian, how’s that remodel job coming? Can you see your new purpose in life? Seek after Godly wisdom and His direction as your repurposed life becomes a blessing to God and those in the world you live! God bless!

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