Saturday, August 21, 2021

 Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the Lord, Til He comes and rains righteousness on you. Hosea 10:12


When I was a teenager growing up on the farm, I recall a time when the government paid farmers not to plant grain in portions of their fields to control the abundance of corn that was driving the market price down. As I watched acres of unplanted land (fallow ground) grow nothing but weeds and grass, I thought what a waste of good soil. . Thankfully that program dissolved and fields once again are growing corn to help feed the world!


As Christians, we oftentimes can get caught up in the things and people around us (social media, hobbies, relationships) and don’t utilize the talents God has provided. These “things” appear good and use up our time, money and we even pour more of ourselves into them, yet when you look back, you see no spiritual yields, just a barren period of time, gone to waste. God never intended for your life to be without a harvest.


Take a few minutes, maybe even the rest of today, and ponder your pursuits. Is God a part of your daily life? Do you set aside time for Him and involve Him in the decision-making process? Do you see lives changed around you, for the better, as you pursue your passions? If not, maybe its time to make some changes with your time and financial resources to align your efforts with God’s will.


Trust me friend, when you allow God to be the focus of everything you do in life, abundant blessings and a rich harvest will accompany your efforts. You will never have fallow ground when you pursue a life honoring God in everything you do! God bless!  

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