Tuesday, August 17, 2021

 You are free, but still you are God's servants, and you must not use your freedom as an excuse for doing wrong. 1 Peter 2:16


You might remember the “hall pass” in school? This was a pass given to a student to freely walk in the hallway to access either their locker, restroom, another classroom or the office. This pass was given with the understanding it would be used wisely and the student would avoid getting into trouble with their freedom to leave the classroom.


Today’s verse is a good reminder that as a Christian you have a hall pass to walk through this life with all the freedoms God permits. At the same time, He makes it clear, in His word, the boundaries of your freedom to keep you honest and a living example of His character and love for mankind. It’s up to YOU in what you do with that pass of freedom.


Take some time today and evaluate your life, your behavior, your thought patterns, your words, your beliefs. Do all of these things line up with God’s standards? Are there areas within your freedoms that fall outside His will for your life? Pray and ask God to filter out the bad and replace it with more of His presence.


Your hall pass will expire one day. Come into the Father’s presence with a welcoming….”well done my good and faithful servant.” God bless!

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