Sunday, March 19, 2023

 Abstain from every form of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22

 Dieting has become an obsession in this country, and no wonder given all the processed foods we consume, large portions served at restaurants and fatty ingredients used to flavor what we eat. Americans have become obese in record numbers. Those who chose to diet restrict certain foods and ingredients they know will work against them. One of those is sugar. Although sugar is a wonderful sweetener, it has been proven to do more damage to the human body and best to simply avoid it at all cost.  

 Just think for a moment if you put as much effort into avoiding sin as dieters do avoiding sugar? Almost to an obsession, you would soon see spiritual growth beyond anything you’ve ever experienced. Is it possible? YES! How can you sustain a spiritual diet that will grow your faith?

 Prayer, reading God’s word and having an accountability partner. Prayer opens the lines of communication with God as He plants inside you His desire to grow you spiritually. Communication with God is essential if you are to grow your faith. God’s word provides lifestyle boundaries that will keep your growth in check. Consider it a coaching guide to spiritual success. Having an accountability partner allows you to grow your faith with someone who has the same interest as you. They will be your spiritual cheerleader when you feel let down and will be the encouragement you need to keep growing.

 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. Philippians 3:8

 The benefits of a spiritual diet will include shedding those things from your life that are spiritually debilitating and have no real eternal value. Your spiritual goal in life should be to conform to the image of Jesus Christ. Your spiritual diet plan will get you there with God’s help.

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