Tuesday, March 7, 2023

 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. Romans 13:14

 I once knew a person who would sweep a floor then pile up the debris in the corner of the room and let it just sit there until they had a notion to scoop it up. Of course, for someone like myself, this drove my OCD nuts and I completed the task for them. I asked myself why would someone go to that much trouble to sweep the floor and not complete the task.

 Sadly for many Christians, they sin and ask God for forgiveness, but fail to follow through with the full task of “repentance”; turning from the sin, with intentions to never indulge in that same behavior again. Today’s passage provides sound wisdom in that process of repentance. “Make no provision for the flesh”! Applying this to yourself: something sparked your interest in a specific sin and unless you remove it completely from your life, you’ll always battle it and fall prey the temptation.

 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Galatians 5:15

 What sin temptation battles you on a constant basis? God has equipped you with the power to overcome sin through His Holy Spirit. Pray and seek after His strength to help you remove that temptation completely from your life so you can achieve victory over it. The enemy (Satan) attacks you in attempts to wreck your relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus has already won the victory, rely on Him to help you remove the thing that ignites the spark of temptation so you can complete the full task of repentance.

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