Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace. Psalm 29:11

Years ago, like many many years ago I use to work out in a gym, lifting weights and doing the treadmill thing. When I first started, I found myself marveling over the guys who were able to lift a lot of weight and showed off their muscles. For me, I was skinny and not much muscle going on with the arms and shoulders. But, over time and painful moments of stretching and soreness, I was able to increase the weight I lifted and “bulked up”. It took a while, but I got there.

As a child of God its easy to feel like the little guy when compared to other Christians who never seem to miss the beat of obedience and carry the weight of adult responsibilities. Meanwhile you (and myself) are over there struggling to lift a small ounce of faith to navigate another day.

I can tell you from what I learned thru working out, it takes time, a lot of time to grow your muscles. Likewise, with your spiritual journey, slow development of your faith assures you won’t weaken even when you’re in a moment of smooth sailing and not testing your faith.  God strengthens us with trails and tribulations, He pushes us when we can’t even take another step forward and He shelters us by His love and spiritual wisdom He so freely offers.

Maybe you are feeling a little weak and spiritually drained. Trust me, keep your focus on God and seek His wisdom and He will supply you the strength you need to grow your faith. The strongest Christians didn’t get there overnight. It took years of development, many painful trials and tests. God will supply you with what you need today. Seek after Him and watch your faith muscles grow! God bless!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, But righteousness delivers from death. Proverbs 11:4


The Mega Millions lottery is now up to $970 million. Media has been publishing stories about this big chunk of money and offering tips on how to win. The financial freedom for not only the immediate winner, but generations to follow will be tremendous. Can you imagine winning that much money?


I can tell you there is something even greater than a huge pot full of money and that is a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Although He might not bless you with complete financial freedom, He will provide you a lifetime of love and support. I have personally seen Him take my last $20 bill and make it last all week, and still have it stuck in my wallet 7 days later. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the love of money and worship its benefits, but once it’s gone, its gone for good.


Once you enter into a relationship with God, it sustains for all eternity. The true blessing is upon your fleshly death and cross over into eternal life in Heaven. My family who was by my grandmother’s side just 30 minutes before her death said she was raising her arms and looking upward. She saw the light of Christ and was preparing for that journey to her heavenly home. No amount of money could get her there, but her faith in Jesus Christ. Today she is the richest person I know.


The bills never stop, money is always short, but with God all things are possible. Put your faith and trust in Him and find a lifetime of blessings, comfort and joy like no other! God bless!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Trust. It's hard to develop these days in a world  that thrives on a continual need for happiness. When that happiness runs low, sadly so many seek out excitement from outside sources. Truth is, that  pleasure is just a momentary fling, and it's end will leave you broken and empty.

A committed relationship is just that, a bond never to be broken by enemy attack, thru years of relational friction or the loss of strength to fight for it one more day. Relationships are work and require a constant eye for enemy fire.  A willingness to walk away from the forbidden fruit that will kill what God blessed you with in the person your bonded to.

Every time you say no to what's tempting, you strengthen the bond and demonstrate to your partner the commitment means more than what anyone else has to offer. And through those right decisions God will bless your union.

Stay committed to God and your partner for life. There's a sweet reward for those dedicated to keeping it real, honest and secure.

A Blind Man Receives His Sight

35 Then it happened, as He was coming near Jericho, that a certain blind man sat by the road begging. 36 And hearing a multitude passing by, he asked what it meant. 37 So they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by. 38 And he cried out, saying, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

39 Then those who went before warned him that he should be quiet; but he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

40 So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be brought to Him. And when he had come near, He asked him, 41 saying, “What do you want Me to do for you?”

He said, “Lord, that I may receive my sight.”

42 Then Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.” 43 And immediately he received his sight, and followed Him, glorifying God. Luke 18:35 – 43

The story of the blind man and his faith in Jesus Christ is an excellent example of our Savior’s faithfulness when we exercise our faith in Him. So often I think we get into a “rut” either by an error on our part of just life in general and we don’t feel like God can help us. Friend, I’ve got news for you, Jesus Christ didn’t come to answer the call of a few. He is available for every need, big or small.

I can just imagine this blind man and how he heard about Jesus. Not able to see Jesus for himself, all he had to go on was what he heard and his belief that Jesus could restore his sight. Through his calling out to Jesus, his faith proved the fact that Jesus will respond when we call.

What’s your need today? Maybe it’s a financial burden that has no end in sight, your marriage is falling apart and the love no longer holds it together or health issues have taken the wind from your sails. Call upon Jesus Christ with the faith of a mustard seed and see what He can do when you trust in Him. He has the power to change every circumstance. Won’t you exercise your faith and trust that He will supply all your needs when you call on Him. God bless!

Monday, October 15, 2018

When you said, “Seek My face.” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Psalm 27:8

Years ago, I was traveling in Atlanta to do some shopping. When I went to get back on the interstate the on-ramp was blocked, saying the interstate was closed. So, I took side roads that paralleled the interstate. Every now and then I’d venture towards a sign for I-85 only to find the on-ramps closed. As I got closer to downtown Atlanta, the neighborhoods got scarier. I drove by a “Neighborhood Watch” sign that was all shot up. I started praying for God to get me back on the interstate. Thankfully I was able to get back on I-85 and travel to my intended destination.

Sometimes in life you may find yourself in a place you never intended to go, maybe because you weren’t paying attention to your internal guide or distracted by something momentarily. In the middle of your journey, you wonder how you’ll ever get back to the main road of life. Can you relate? Today’s scripture gives great advice for the journey back to safety….”Seek the Lord’s face”.

When you are at a scary place in life, seeking the Lord’s face will guide you back to the main road. You might be wondering how in the world you got so off course and asking how you’ll ever get back…you can do it. Pray, read scripture and seek after God for wisdom as you work towards the on-ramp to safety. God will guide you there when you allow Him to lead you away from trouble! God bless!

Seek the LORD while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way And the unrighteous man his thoughts; And let him return to the LORD, And He will have compassion on him, And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 55:6-7

Friday, October 12, 2018

Love never fails

1 Corinthians 13:8


Please forgive me for not posting blogs for a while. Here lately I’ve been busy between my grandmother’s passing, events at work and entering a new relationship with a very sweet and wonderful soul. Things have been busy, complex and emotional, yet awesome as a new chapter in my life develops.


One thing I’ve continually experienced through it all, “love never fails”. Love of family, friends and that special person in life holds a bond that nothing can break. Life can get hectic at times, experiencing loss, disappointment and trouble, yet through it all, comfort comes from the ones who are connected through the bonds of love.  


My new friendship with Velita has shown me that even in the most difficult times, love is something you can hold onto and find strength when faced with challenges that exceed my strength. I have been so blessed by her presence in my life. She has displayed strength and courage, in difficult times, that continues to encourage me to step forward into each day with a positive outlook.


Maybe your life has been a whirlwind of events and changes. Find strength and encouragement through the ones who love you. And if you come up short on love, you can always find love through our Savior, Jesus Christ. He never gave up on you and He never will. Love never fails if you tap into the right source. Find love today through Jesus, family, friends and that special someone who has your back! God bless!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

“Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27“The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.” Matthew 7:26-27

Ever find things or people disappear from your life? Quite often God has a hand in that situation, as He controls everything in your life being a child of God. Oftentimes we invest ourselves in people and things that bring us pleasure or fulfillment for a brief time, but somewhere along the way they simply crumble and are no longer there. Thank God.

How can you thank God for something or someone whose been a blessing and now they are gone? The truth is God sees beyond your limited vision and He knows what’s best for your next chapter in life. He knows as long as that person or thing is still standing, you will never be able to get around it for something better in your life. Trust God as He allows things to crumble from your life, He is making way for something more enriching and blessings are sure to follow.

What’s crumbling in your life? Maybe it’s a relationship, a prized possession, job…maybe even your home. Trust that God’s hand is working to bring something better. Everything you put your hope and trust in, on planet earth, is simply a house built on sand. Sooner or later it will go away. But when you put your complete trust in God and make your investments in pleasing Him, nothing will take away the joy that only He can provide you now and into all eternity. Thank God today for the things crumbling in your life, God is making room for something new! God bless!