Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace. Psalm 29:11

Years ago, like many many years ago I use to work out in a gym, lifting weights and doing the treadmill thing. When I first started, I found myself marveling over the guys who were able to lift a lot of weight and showed off their muscles. For me, I was skinny and not much muscle going on with the arms and shoulders. But, over time and painful moments of stretching and soreness, I was able to increase the weight I lifted and “bulked up”. It took a while, but I got there.

As a child of God its easy to feel like the little guy when compared to other Christians who never seem to miss the beat of obedience and carry the weight of adult responsibilities. Meanwhile you (and myself) are over there struggling to lift a small ounce of faith to navigate another day.

I can tell you from what I learned thru working out, it takes time, a lot of time to grow your muscles. Likewise, with your spiritual journey, slow development of your faith assures you won’t weaken even when you’re in a moment of smooth sailing and not testing your faith.  God strengthens us with trails and tribulations, He pushes us when we can’t even take another step forward and He shelters us by His love and spiritual wisdom He so freely offers.

Maybe you are feeling a little weak and spiritually drained. Trust me, keep your focus on God and seek His wisdom and He will supply you the strength you need to grow your faith. The strongest Christians didn’t get there overnight. It took years of development, many painful trials and tests. God will supply you with what you need today. Seek after Him and watch your faith muscles grow! God bless!

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