Tuesday, October 2, 2018

“Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27“The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.” Matthew 7:26-27

Ever find things or people disappear from your life? Quite often God has a hand in that situation, as He controls everything in your life being a child of God. Oftentimes we invest ourselves in people and things that bring us pleasure or fulfillment for a brief time, but somewhere along the way they simply crumble and are no longer there. Thank God.

How can you thank God for something or someone whose been a blessing and now they are gone? The truth is God sees beyond your limited vision and He knows what’s best for your next chapter in life. He knows as long as that person or thing is still standing, you will never be able to get around it for something better in your life. Trust God as He allows things to crumble from your life, He is making way for something more enriching and blessings are sure to follow.

What’s crumbling in your life? Maybe it’s a relationship, a prized possession, job…maybe even your home. Trust that God’s hand is working to bring something better. Everything you put your hope and trust in, on planet earth, is simply a house built on sand. Sooner or later it will go away. But when you put your complete trust in God and make your investments in pleasing Him, nothing will take away the joy that only He can provide you now and into all eternity. Thank God today for the things crumbling in your life, God is making room for something new! God bless!  

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