Sunday, September 30, 2018

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

This weekend we laid my Grandmother’s body to rest. Two days short of 100 years of age, she left this world to be with Jesus and reunite with her loving husband. As I sat there in the funeral home all l could do was recall the countless number of times I sat with her, at her kitchen table, drinking coffee and talking for hours about God. She took time to share her wisdom, gained by a lifetime of bible study, prayer and life’s experiences. What a treasure those hours shared with a Godly and wise woman.

Today’s verse came to mind in the middle of my thoughts. She took time to share God’s word with me. Those times have helped shape and mold my life into the man I am today. Although at times I might fail God, I always seem to find my way back to the middle of God’s will, just where I know it’s safe and full of blessings, all because my Grandmother took time to instruct me in the way of the Lord.

I challenge you today to make time for your children. Encourage them to stay in church, read their bible and share your wisdom with them. God’s ways are always right and will help guide your children safely through some of the most challenging times. Make time for them, God will bless you and protect them as they journey through this thing we call life! God bless!

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