Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. 1 John 5:21

As a motorcycle rider you pay close attention to other drivers. You watch out for oncoming cars that they haven’t crossed the center line, cars at intersections don’t pull out in front of you and vehicles coming up from behind see you so they won’t run into your backside. When I do see someone driving unsafe, most times they are distracted with their cell phone. The driver of that vehicle has made the decision to put his/her personal communications a priority over the safety of himself and others.

As Christians it can be easy to become distracted with worldly things and people. For a brief moment we take our eyes of the Lord and pursue something that brings us happiness. I can assure you if its from the world, the pleasure will be short lived and could result in long term damages to your relationship with the Lord…which is eternal.  God’s blessings are never attached to worldly things and people. Let me say that again….God’s blessings are never attached to worldly things and people.

“You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3 Straight from God’s mouth, inscribed in the Ten Commandments. God does not want to be second place in your life. If you find yourself distracted by someone or something while navigating the Christian journey, you are very likely going to crash and suffer loss. Take a moment today and evaluate whose driving your life. If it isn’t God, maybe its time to re-arrange your priorities so you are safe and will experience His blessings along the pathway of life! God bless!  

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