Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. Proverbs 10:12

“I don’t know if I can ever forgive him” is a statement we hear quite often by someone whose been offended and deeply hurt. Injury to the body heals, but the heart can be permanently scarred. When we are deeply hurt, the memories bring to life what was experienced and the emotions that follow emphasize the pain, anger and even guilt.

Friend, love has power to heal even the most tattered heart. The only way to overcome a tragic event is to hand it over to God. He defines love and knows just how to inject it into your heart to bring healing and peace back into your life. The devil wants you to relive the pain and suffering so you are paralyzed by it. You were never meant to live in bondage. Time to free yourself so you can share the love of God with your offender. Why not give it to God today?

We are a mirror of Christ. People can see Him through our actions, words and beliefs. Mirror His image of love and forgiveness today so you can bring peace and joy to your little world! God bless!

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