Saturday, September 8, 2018

For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, Fear not, I will help you. Isaiah 41:13

I just read a post on Facebook that read: “Sometimes God holds you back temporarily until the road is safe and clear to continue. Be thankful for the stall.” This reminded me of today’s verse. I envision holding God’s hand, like a parent holds his child’s hand. That child wants to run off, yet the parent firmly grips their hand and keeps them from danger, because their view is taller than the child’s and they have years of wisdom to know when its safe to move forward.

As a child of God, we are so blessed to have the Holy Spirit living inside of us! He provides guidance, wisdom and keeps us safe when we are navigating life. Sometimes though, we become preoccupied with worldly things and will pull away from His hand of safety. That’s when we are vulnerable to Satan and his attacks on our life.

The best ingredient for a safe and secure life is to trust in the hand that holds you. When God holds you back, be patient. He knows what’s up ahead and wants to protect you from disaster. His vision goes much further than you limited view! And believe me, He has your best interest at heart. He loves you and wants to protect you from the whiles of Satan. Grip God’s hand firmly, always keep an ear to His Holy Spirit when He offers wisdom and be patient as you take each step forward thru life! God will get you across that busy intersection when its safe to do so! God bless!

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