Saturday, September 15, 2018

And the Pharisees and scribes complained, saying, “This Man receives sinners and eats with them.” Luke 15:2

Ever ask yourself this question…how could God forgive me for some of my past sins? Let’s face it, as humans no one is perfect, we all make mistakes. Some of those mistakes, or sins, are horrible, down right dirty, and we look back upon them with much shame and regret. We know that God is holy and righteous, no doubt. Isaiah 64:6 says….”And all our righteousness are like filthy rags” Even our good acts aren’t good enough. So, is there hope for we sinners?

Yes, in Jesus Christ. God knew His creation would fall from grace, that’s why He sent Jesus Christ to our rescue. Although holy to the highest, Jesus Christ spent time with sinners and those who needed a life changing event to follow Him. He didn’t just preach and keep Himself separated from the dirty sinners, He spent time with those who needed cleansing of their darkest deeds.

Today, Jesus Christ is just as available to save you as He did those people 2000 years ago. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13 Your sins are a thing of the past. You might still be dealing with the consequences of your mistakes, but they can be forgiven by believing in Jesus Christ, that HE took your place for payment of sin, trust your life to Him and accept Him into your life today and for all eternity. Jesus Christ friends sinners and saves them, He will do the same for you. Call upon Him today and be saved! God bless!

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