Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Vindicate me, O God, and plead my case against an ungodly nation; O deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man! Psalm 43:1


Injustice. It seems to be all around us these days, and when we are the victim of someone’s injustice it’s like rubbing salt into an open wound. It’s painful, causes us grief and sadly comes from those who are in our circle of close friends. We ask why, but the real question is, “God what are you doing in this moment?”


God often uses the bad things in life to channel us in a new direction. “Closed doors” are what I call them as we continue down the hallway of life seeking an opening. Some of the injustices we face in life can seem overwhelming, but those are the stepping stones to something better, leaving behind those injustices to allow God to deal with them according to His judgment…not ours.


Feeling the pains of injustice? Trust God is doing something special in your life and embrace the ride as He takes you in a new direction. It’s all good, trust me friend…God has this! Have a blessed day!

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