Thursday, September 6, 2018

But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. 2 Thessalonians 3:13

You ever look around and find others succeeding in life with little effort? Meanwhile you are doing all you can to support your self and family and its taking a toll on you mentally, physically and emotionally. Did I hit a nerve? I think we all go through periods of time when we give our all to achieve something, yet our neighbor is doing very little and doing quite well for themselves.  

Friend, never give up your desire to succeed in life and do right, no matter what it cost you. God portions out blessings according to His children’s strength and willingness to remain obedient to Him. Don’t compare yourself to your neighbors, friends, co-workers and people on the other side of town. Its like comparing apples to oranges…they aren’t the same, and neither are you in comparison to others. You are unique, special and God has a specific plan for your life that doesn’t compare to anyone else.

Keep up the good job of living life and doing right. You’ll never go wrong when you set your focus on God, so you can see His blessings coming your way and not what someone else has in their possession or successes. God bless!  

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