Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Trust. It's hard to develop these days in a world  that thrives on a continual need for happiness. When that happiness runs low, sadly so many seek out excitement from outside sources. Truth is, that  pleasure is just a momentary fling, and it's end will leave you broken and empty.

A committed relationship is just that, a bond never to be broken by enemy attack, thru years of relational friction or the loss of strength to fight for it one more day. Relationships are work and require a constant eye for enemy fire.  A willingness to walk away from the forbidden fruit that will kill what God blessed you with in the person your bonded to.

Every time you say no to what's tempting, you strengthen the bond and demonstrate to your partner the commitment means more than what anyone else has to offer. And through those right decisions God will bless your union.

Stay committed to God and your partner for life. There's a sweet reward for those dedicated to keeping it real, honest and secure.

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