Tuesday, November 6, 2018

And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19


Have you ever seen a mother bird bring worms to her babies? As she approaches the nest, those baby birds sit up, open their mouth and cry out for food. The mother bird graciously places parts of the worm in their tiny mouths, feeding them nourishment so they’ll grow. It’s a beautiful sight for sure!


As God’s children we often expect Him to bless us with things and strengthen us when we are weak. Is that you? Are you looking for a blessing? If blessings haven’t been coming around too often, I can assure you it’s because your attention isn’t focused on him and your mouth has closed off its praise to the King of Kings…who is worthy to be praised.


Try changing that today by focusing on God instead of your allowing your pride and personal pursuits overshadow your need for His help. God wont bless you unless He is priority one in your life! When you look to God, you recognize your weaknesses and failures and you long to receive His help, His nourishing words of wisdom and blessings to make today a brighter one. God has plenty of blessings to bestow on you. Turn to Him in praise and worship and find your mouth filled with His goodness as you sing out praises to Him! God bless!

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