Monday, November 26, 2018

Proverbs 27:12 The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.

The old saying “breaking up is hard to do”, is so true. The emotional devastation it causes usually affects more than just the two who are parting ways. Unfortunately, so many couples forge ahead too fast and get married, leaving unforeseen issues to be dealt with down the road. Some of them can be resolved, while others seem to have no resolution. The end result: a sad and struggling relationship that generates ill feelings towards one another and divorce seems to be the final solution.  

A life lesson for me, its important to take time to get to know someone and let that relationship grow slowly. As you do, you can see an issue approaching and work through it. Sometimes those conflicts are more than one is willing to work through and the decision must be made to either end it now or work through it if there seems to be a possible resolution. Sometimes there is an answer and sometimes there will be no end to the problem at hand…leaving one to make a decision to end it or just keep struggling in hopes things will get better one day.

Me personally, I am one to think through things and try to see into the future. I personally can’t go on with something if I don’t feel comfortable and confident that it will work out….thats true of anything from a relationship to a major purchase.

My advice, take your time to think through things so you can either commit or change course to protect not only your future but the future of others.  Sometimes you might be the only one standing on the side of your decision, and that’s ok. Better to make a tough decision now than step into something you aren’t comfortable and confident to continue in life. God bless!    

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