Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Watch and pray, that you enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41

As a Christian, do you ever ask yourself how you can mess up so badly? As humans no one is perfect and can easily fall prey to the darkness of this world. Some of the strongest Christian leaders have fallen into shameful sins and destroyed their witness and character. Its truly a battle of spiritual warfare and the Devil is looking for his next victim.

Today’s verse gives some sound advice on how to avoid the pitfalls of Satan’s temptations… and pray. In battle, the military sends out scouts to look ahead and see exactly where the enemy is located and what they are planning to do. We too need to always keep our eyes open to what Satan may be planning next. He knows your weaknesses and vulnerabilities and wants to destroy you at your most vulnerable area. For most it’s the heart. He knows if he can entice your heart into one of his deadly passions, he’s got you! So remain on the lookout.

Prayer. Communicating with God. The MORE you do that, the less time you have to hear useless chatter from the enemy. God communicates back and forth to His children who pray earnestly and seek His wise counsel. If something or someone captures your attention, its best to put them before God and ask for His guidance and wisdom. Is this the person I need to be with? Is this the pathway you have prepared for me? Never ever take a step forward until you have His blessings and confirmation. Trust me, He will speak to you through the Holy Spirit and close Godly friends.

The flesh is weak and can’t be trusted. Trust your life, your pursuits, and passions with God at the center of every decision and you’ll never go wrong! God bless!

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