Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2
We have seen a lot of rain in our area over the past week, and its still raining as I type. The other day I was walking behind my office, along a pathway, and my shoes were getting muddy. Up ahead a saw a huge puddle of water and wondered how I was going to navigate around it so my feet would get wet. Fortunately I found a few rocks sticking up in the water and was able to use them to cross over that wet, muddy mess.
Life can bring on some rainy days. The challenges of life can make any day miserable. Oftentimes our strength doesn’t seem to be enough to weather the storms that come our way. Fortunately we have a God who remains true to His word to watch over us, to protect us and give us strength for the moment we need it most! Just like those rocks that were sticking above the water puddle, God provides safe passage thru life’s muck so we can come clean on the other side of the challenge.
What’s facing you today? Maybe it’s a struggling relationship, financial burdens, worries over your children…..the list is endless. Keep your focus on God and trust that He will see you through the challenges of the day! God loves you unconditionally. No matter what mess you’ve found yourself in, God will see you through it if you simply put your faith and trust in Him and let Him provide the stepping stones to navigate through it! God bless!

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