Thursday, November 29, 2018

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
Yesterday I got to go with my dad to a farm show in Peoria. It was an awesome father son time! As we walked up to the Civic Center we approached some doors that led into the facility, but to our surprise they were locked. As I peeked in thru the door’s window I saw darkness. This was definitely not the doors to enter for our event.
Boy, how often do we as Christians try to open doors God has locked OR not intended for us to open. Sometimes He keeps certain doors locked, others he keeps them unlocked buy allows us the free-will to decide if we should open them or not. We are gifted with His Holy Spirit and should rely on the Spirit’s prompting to keep them closed if He makes that clear to us. Sometimes our pride and curiosity makes us tempted to open them….as we enter that darkness we get lost in the room and sadly it’s hard to backtrack to safety. Lord Jesus is talking to me right now….is He talking to you?
The best way to avoid opening those doors that lead to nowhere is to LISTEN to HIS Spirit and heed those warnings. Not hearing His voice doesn’t automatically give you His permission to open that door. Waiting on the Lord is key to opening the right door. Are you patiently waiting on Him to reveal the right open door? Wait on the Lord and He shall renew your strength and will bring you a trouble free journey as you walk within His will for your life! God bless!  

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