Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1

Years ago, it was a common practice for movie theatres to interject short subliminal clips depicting refreshing sodas and snacks that would stir in the minds of movie watchers, making them go to the snack stand and buy food and drinks. Eventually this practice was outlawed, but it was proof how easily people can be deceived by one simple vision.

Satan is a master of deception friends. He often uses insecurities and weaknesses to play havoc with our mind, enticing us to believe something that isn’t real or pursuing something outside the will of God. And he most often does this when life is going good or when you are serving God. The devil’s plan is to disrupt your plans to do good and enjoy life.

The best way to protect yourself from satan’s deception is to focus on the truth. So often satan tries to make you believe something that isn’t real at all, but he can be pretty convincing. Trust me I know first hand and some days can be a constant battle to keep my mind focused on what I know to be real and truthful.  

Pray and ask God to keep you centered focused on His goodness, on His word and keep your ears tuned to His Holy Spirit so when satan tries to speak those lies, you won’t hear or believe it for you know the truth. God bless!    

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