Thursday, October 24, 2019

Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8

In a perfect world, things would be perfect. But we know perfection only exist in God. While still here on earth, our lives are intertwined with the significant people in our life. Yes, there will be times when they let you down, do or say hurtful things. Sometimes people find they’ve had enough, want to throw in the towel and call it quits.

God never intended for love to fail. As a matter of fact, He inspired the writer of Corinthians to state that “Love Never Fails”. I believe we live in a society where discarding broken things is the best solution. If you look at how things are made these days, you can clearly see that quality is not the standard. Short cuts are taken, using cheap products, and thus over time they wear out, break and soon discarded, leaving the consumer to go off to buy another new, cheaply made product.

So, where am I going with this blog? As Christians, we MUST commit ourselves to each and every relationship we enter into, especially marriage. The quality of things you put into that relationship will determine its strength. The most important quality is your relationship with God and keeping Him involved in your day to day relationships. God spells out those quality characteristics needed for a strong relationship; love is at the top of the list.

I challenge you to never give up on the relationships you bound to. Putting forth your best effort and keeping God at front and center will ensure your love relationship will never fail. God bless!

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