Friday, November 1, 2019

The joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10b


I once heard a preacher recite this verse. How true it is when we find joy in the Lord, we feel like we are on top of the world. God’s blessings are like stepping stones, lifting us up in spirit and happiness. All of these things make life feel good and we are happy.


It’s no wonder Satan tries to rob us of our joy. As today’s verse states, the joy of the Lord is your strength. The strength we have to navigate life can be zapped by circumstances and difficulties we encounter, disappointments from loved ones and friends, or a relapse in our faithfulness to God. The list is endless and our enemy knows exactly our weakness and the vulnerable places in our hearts to target his flaming arrows.


When we find our strength weakened, we mustn’t rely on the human element to bring us back up. We must turn immediately to the Lord. He never disappoints and has our best interest at heart. He can turn those disappointments into victories and strengthen our faith at the same time. I know when I’m down about something, I turn away from the world and turn to God for strength. In return, the joy returns to my soul and I find contentment even in the middle of chaos.


Maybe you’ve been facing some difficulty and slowly drained of any joy. Stop looking to the world for happiness. Find your strength renewed by replacing your sadness with joy from the Lord. Only He can provide everlasting joy which will keep you strong through the most difficult times in life! God bless!


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