Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5

There is a rule of thumb when operating a motorcycle: your bike goes where your eyes focus. I quickly learned this lesson in my earlier years of riding. Something caught my attention and I found myself veering towards the direction of where my eyes were focused. Thankfully I was able to steer the bike back centered on the road and avoided running into the ditch.


As Christians, we live in a world that is full of tempting pleasures that are outside of God’s boundary for righteous living. But there is something else that can capture our attention; the giant enemies that seek to harm, worry and destroy us through the evil tactics of Satan. No doubt Satan has a bag full of weapons that distract our attention from the centerline of God’s perfect plan and will for our life. That’s why it’s so important to always remain focused on God.


I’ve learned over the past number of years that as long as I keep my focus on God, I stay on the straight and narrow path that He purposed and planned for my life. It’s when I look at the distractions and life’s worries that Satan puts up, that I get off course and sometimes crash in the ditch of shame and regret. Thankfully the Holy Spirit is full of grace to help get me back up on my feet and centered in His will once again.

What’s distracting you today? It might be financial trouble, relationship issues, fears and worries….the list is endless. Today’s verse is a great reminder that if we keep our eyes focused on Him and not our troubles or life’s distractions, we will never be misled or ashamed. Look to Him today for guidance and safety as you navigate this thing called life! God bless!

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