Thursday, November 7, 2019

I will cry out to God Most High, To God who performs all things for me. Psalm 57:2


Life is full of many uncertainties. The future of our health, will our financial resources take care of us when we are old, how will we pay these unexpected bills. The list is endless and no doubt life can bring worries that appear bigger than our strength, wisdom and resources at hand.


Yet for the child of God, we have unlimited resources of power, wisdom and healing through the Holy Spirit who resides within us. God’s gift of Salvation and His presence in our lives is enough to help us navigate life. Today’s verse gives some pretty good advice, cry out to God Most High, who performs all things for me.


I can assure you with over 40 years of an intimate relationship with God, He has seen me through some challenging times. When faced with something bigger than me, I’ve given it to Him in confidence. Every single time He has come through, far exceeding my expectations to resolve an issue, see me through a tight spot or bring that healing I needed at just the right moment.


Friend, no matter what’s facing you today, you have a Savior and God who is very willing and capable of helping you take care of life’s business. By giving it to Him, trusting in His response, you will see something miraculous unfold before your very eyes. Trust me, I’m living proof of His goodness! Give it to Him in confidence, HE’s a God of the Most High! God bless!  

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