Friday, November 8, 2019

And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. 1 John 3:22

Last night my daughter and grandson were over to visit. At one point it was time to go and my grandson was not behaving correctly. My daughter told him if he didn’t do as she asked, something he wanted would be withheld from him. Well, after some time of consideration, he corrected his behavior and things turned out a little better for him because of his compliance.


You could really say God’s way of dealing with us is very similar. He loves us and provides blessings in our life. But those times when we step out of bounds, He oftentimes withholds His blessings and answers to our prayers. God will never reward bad behavior. He makes that very clear in His word. Even in times when we stray, He continues to watch over us and oftentimes buffers us from complete disaster.


Maybe you’ve been trying to get God’s blessings to rain down on you or searching for an answer to a prayer request. If the well is dry and prayers unanswered, you might want to check yourself to ensure you are in alignment with His will.  The difficulties we face are usually the result of our poor choices in life. God will use those difficult times to help us yield to His calling us back to a more disciplined life of obedience. So keep in step with Him, so when your request go up, answers and blessings will come down from God’s goodness! God bless!

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