Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23: 42-43

One of my recent blogs talked about the “prodigals” in our life. Those family or friends who live a reckless and sinful life, so far from God’s standard of living. We worry about their salvation and pray continuously that God will save them. We pray and pray over the weeks, months and even years with no change in their life. The worry can be unsettling for sure.

Today’s passage comes from the end of Luke when Jesus hung on the cross with two criminals. One of them identified Jesus as the Son of God and asked that Jesus remember him upon his death. Jesus response must have given that man a lot of peace, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

I can only imagine this man’s family must have said prayers on his behalf, in hopes that he’d change his life of crime and walk the perfect and narrow path of obedience. Yet, it didn’t happen until this man’s last breath.

I share this story with you to say there is STILL HOPE for those loved ones who live outside of God’s grace. Your prayers for them should continue and you have the trust and faith that Jesus will come into their life and save them, even if it’s at their last breath. One simple acknowledgement is all it takes.  Keep the faith, pray earnestly and allow Jesus to come to them on their level, bare their cross and save them at just the right moment when they need Him most! Jesus had to die a criminal’s death to save that one. He will do the same for your loved one! God bless!

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