Wednesday, October 16, 2019

For “whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13

The last few weekends I have had the privilege of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with those in attendance at our church’s production, Judgement Journey. This 45 minute journey is a biblical account of the end times and what people will encounter following the rapture of God’s children. The entire production takes over 200 people to make it effective and I get to see God’s hand at work with the decisions made, accepting Jesus Christ into their hearts.

Romans 10:13 is the last verse we share, telling folks the only way to be saved is belief in Jesus Christ. For some, its hard to grasp the ease in which one can be saved. So many people think its all about living a good life and making oneself pleasing to God. But, the bible is clear that we can’t do anything on our own to save ourselves. No good we do on our part can wash us clean enough for God to look upon us. Only through the blood of Jesus Christ can you be saved.

Maybe you’ve been trying to live that good life, good enough to save yourself. Friend, you’ll never be good enough. Understand that Jesus came as a sin offering for you and me. Without His sacrifice for the sins of mankind, no one could save themselves. If you haven’t done so, call out for Jesus to save you today and find forgiveness of your sins through His sacrifice on the cross. Call on Him today! God bless

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