Saturday, December 14, 2019

And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish. 1 Samuel 1:10

We read in the first chapter of 1 Samuel about Hannah, one of two wives of Elkanah. She was unable to bear children, for the Lord closed her womb (1 Sam 1:5). Elkanah’s other wife, Peninnah, on the other hand was able to bear children. As we read in today’s verse, Hannah was deeply saddened because she could not bear a child.

Hannah was a Godly woman and she prayed to God, asking for a male child. In her prayer she made a vow to God, saying she would give him to the Lord. Later we read God answered her prayer and she bore a son named Samuel. Hannah endured years of verbal abuse and criticism from her counterpart because she could not bare a child. But in the end, her fervent request was fulfilled.

I think the purpose in this story is to understand that God wants to give us the desires of our heart. Sometimes God wants to see just how committed you are to your request. That’s why He oftentimes waits to fulfil your request through His generous blessings.

What do you long for? Is it something genuine that will benefit you and bring blessings to God in return once received? God wants to see your commitment and it all begins with your faithfulness, praying on your knees in complete humbleness and obedience. God has a plan for your life and most likely your desire was put there by God if you are in tune with His will for your life. God will answer at the right time, trust Him as your pray like Hannah. Pray in faith and God will provide you with His very best! Have a blessed day!

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