Saturday, December 21, 2019

The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But deliverance is of the Lord. Proverbs 21:31

If you’ve been a Christian for any amount of time you realize there is an enemy out there coming against you, ready to weaken you, rob you of your joy, even try to destroy you and your witness. The closer to God you become, the stronger the devil attacks. Believe me, the battle is real.

The truth be known, the battle has already been won through Jesus Christ. But with the here and now, as humans, we still struggle in our daily walk to remain strong, faithful and obedient. Preparing for the day should include prayer, bible reading and a good devotional. By starting our minds out, focused on God and His provisions for the day, we equip ourselves to see the day through, with God’s help.

Did I mention God’s help? There are days I wake up, knowing the battle is bigger than myself. I literally can hear the devil whispering words of defeat and fear into my ears. But I quickly remind myself of the battles God and I have won and know Satan has nothing against what God can do for me and His children.

Do all you can to prepare for the battle, but the victory is of the Lord. And He will bring victory to your battles! So trust Him as you fight the daily challenges and remain strong, faithful, and obedient. God has this day in His hands. God bless!

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