Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding. Yes we will come to you, for you are the Lord our God. Jeremiah 3:22

As a Christian, it can be easy to find yourself out of sync with God. One day of church attendance missed, easily turns into another and before you know it, you haven’t darkened the doors of a church in months. Or maybe an old habit resurfaced after a relapse in your commitment to “do better”. Maybe you’ve let your time of service to God be replaced by something worldly. Or you’ve found yourself in unnecessary debt, heavily weighted down by guilt or fallen out of grace with a fellow Christian. There are many things and situations that can cause one of God’s children to falter and its effects can be felt over time.


Satan uses those “backsliding” things to speak lies, telling you that you aren’t good enough for God and He won’t forgive you. Those lies can push you further away from God’s truth. And the truth is, God is a loving God and wants to bring you back within His will and life of obedience. He is full of grace and mercy, all you have to do is ask for His forgiveness and turn back towards Him. I’ve been a Christian now for 40 plus years and I have had to find God’s grace and forgiveness to bring me back in good standing. And He comes through every time.


Friend, no matter how far you are from God, He is ready and willing to bring you back into His fold of protection, love and blessings. All you have to do is ask. Yes, God does not favor our sin, but He gave us Jesus Christ as a bridge to close the gap through forgiveness! Turn to Him today for restoration and forgiveness. His arms are open wide to restore your relationship with Him. God bless!

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