Thursday, December 19, 2019

So the king gave the command, and they brought Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. But the king spoke, saying to Daniele, “Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.” Daniel 6:16

 Not to be negative, but this world is full of deceitful people who want to see the “good guys” suffer only because their life is miserable and without the presence of God in their life. I see it on a daily basis in my comings and goings. Its sad that people are so vindictive and full of evil. But that is exactly why they display evil ways, they have not the righteousness of God living in them.

Daniel was devoted to God and those around him hated his Godly ways. They tricked the king into making some ridiculous decree that Daniel would not honor because it was not honoring God. Because of his faithfulness, Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den.  As you read in the verses that follow, God closed the mouths of the lions and he was released without any harm.

Evil tried to kill righteousness, and failed. God prevailed through Daniel’s faithfulness. I can personally tell you that when you remain faithful to God, even in the face of criticism, deceit and evilness, God will shut the mouths and disable those who come against you. God has never lost a single battle and wont with you if you remain committed to Him. Keep the faith, even in the face of hungry lions! God bless!

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