Thursday, December 26, 2019

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22

A while back I purchased a shelving unit and was going over the instructions on how to assemble it. Everything seemed pretty straight forward, so I simply went by the pictures, not paying any attention to the written instructions. Wouldn’t you know it, half way through I had missed an important step that helped to align the shelves. I had to back track by disassembling parts of what I put together and reassemble with the parts I missed. A little frustrated and extra time finally resulted in the finished product. If only I had taken the time to follow each step closely through reading the text and not taking it upon myself to figure it out.

Long story to make a point. God often calls us to do something that may seem insignificant in our life. But God sees beyond that moment and has a plan for each of us. By omitting His instructions, we oftentimes miss a blessing and delay His plans to bring something to fruition in our life. Nothing God calls us to do is insignificant. We must remain obedient and faithful when He calls us to do something, whether it’s praying for someone, standing in objection to someone who doesn’t reflect Godly beliefs, giving to someone in need….the list is endless.

I can look back over my life and see where I’ve been faithful and done something, what seemed completely insignificant OR something I did not want to do, yet God used that single moment as a piece to my life’s puzzle to bring something special into my life. He will do the same for you friend when you remain steadfast and obedient to His word and His calling! God bless!

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