Saturday, January 30, 2021

 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9


If you’ve ever been in a boat, you probably noticed there are a lot of handles around the boat. Those handles are often used when the water gets choppy and you want to grab hold of something to keep you steady an stay in the boat. I’ve been in many boats and I can tell you those handles have kept me safe on many occasions.


To say this past week has been rough is an understatement. My wife and I both have had struggles this week, leaving us exhausted and emotionally drained. But the one thing we both have done to weather our storms is come to the Lord in prayer, asking for His wisdom and strength


The truth is, God has sustained us, even during the most difficult of days. We made it to Friday evening and finding rest this weekend. Maybe you have difficult days, weeks, months, maybe it has been a rough few years. The advice I can give you is, HOLD ON! Hold on to the hand of God and let Him protect you, strengthen you when weak and hold you steady even in the choppiest of life’s waters. God promises His children He will never leave nor forsake us.


In closing, don’t panic when the storms of life are upon you. Look for God’s hand to grab hold to and don’t let go! He’s got you friend and will deliver you thru the choppy waters, however long it takes. Hold on! God bless!

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